Coconut Nectar: Why it’s THE Sweetener of Choice


You’re an informed buyer. This isn’t just some retail-speak to charm you. It’s true. You don’t stumble across an article about coconut nectar unless you’re interested and engaged in the foods you eat, where they come from and what they do for you. Yet when it comes to sweeteners you can find yourself wading through research which feels very akin to trudging through treacle. That’s where coconut nectar comes in.

Let’s stop your wild goose chase as you try to identify which sweetener is the best option. All that really matters is finding the right sweetener for you. One that is sustainable and ethical whilst also being minimally processed and not a baddie like the bag of white stuff. That’s our coconut nectar.

What makes coconut nectar the sweetener to use?

Basically, the benefits of choosing coconut nectar as a sweetener over any other (including cane sugar, corn syrup, ‘natural’ sweeteners, and even agave syrup) can be split in to a few categories:

  • Your body, your health

  • Super sustainability

  • Fabulous farmer ethics

  • Taste (yes, that’s important too!)

Let’s take a deeper look.

Your body, your health

There’s a whole bunch of data out there which will lead you in to the treacle quagmire. At the end of the day, coconut nectar is still a sweetener. But hold fire: not all sweeteners are created equally.

Coconut nectar is made using the sap of the coconut palm. Think of it more akin to maple syrup in terms of harvesting.

What this means is that it is minimally processed. When it comes to sweeteners this is a big deal. Coconut nectar isn’t ‘empty calories’. It has minerals such as zinc and iron along with 17 amino acids and antioxidants. It contains vitamins C and B.

To get the same micronutrients as you’d find in 1 gram of coconut nectar you’d need to consume 17g of honey, 95g of agave, or a staggering 282g of white sugar!

It’s also got a relatively low glycaemic index for a sweetener. IT has a GI rating of just 35, putting it well under the low GI ranking of 55. This means it’s a better option for diabetics and also anyone wanting to stabilise their blood sugar.

Super Sustainability

The Coconut Company source our coconut nectar from farmers in the Philippines. To make the nectar all you need to do is collect the sap from the coconut tree. No irrigation is needed. No artificial fertilisers. No nasty pesticides. It’s 100% organic.

In fact, the coconut palm itself stabilises the top soil and uses relatively little land. We also use biomass waste in the heating process so that we lower carbon emissions and reduce our need for local wood.

Fabulous farmer ethics

We are proud to ensure that the prices paid to our farmers exceed fair-trade minimums. We also facilitate an active assistance programme to help farmers break free of debt. Furthermore we benefit our farmers through our water access programme, education and health care assistance.


There’s no way we can shout the praises of coconut nectar without shouting about its taste. If you haven’t tried some, do. It is a perfect balance of tasty enough to sweeten your porridge or pancakes with a slight caramel tang, but is bland enough to act as a pure sweetener in nutritious baking and cooking.

Really, coconut nectar is the sweetener you need in your cupboard. Sweetly does it now, grab some coconut nectar today and stop trying to wade through treacle.